Sorrows’ Knights – Progress – It’s Submitted!

Sorrows' Knights Cover Progress

The Knights are Coming!

Yes, I have made progress! Just a quickie post here to let you know that after spending the day cleaning up HTML for Sorrows’ Knights, I have submitted the manuscript, cover, and blah blah blah to Amazon. So, now we wait.

Use to be that publishing for Kindle was pretty fast. But damn, now they say, “Up to 72 hours” before it goes live. That’s a pretty big margin of uncertainty. Suppose you were someone who actually had expensive launch stuff waiting in the wings–like advertising and signings and stuff.


Still, it’s better than waiting years for an establishment publishing house to get around to your work.

I would stomp around grumbling, but I’m too tired. I will have to sit grumbling quietly. Maybe I’ll go arrange rocks in Vue.

Progress on Conjurors

Yes, I have been working on other books, as well. I’m in the process of going through the completed draft of Sorrows’ Conjurors again. I must say, it’s pretty solid. The question: to add more detail for the sexy bits or to leave it? Hmm. This is an excellent question for the Sekrit Jooky Club.

If Conjurors is done as fast as I think it might be, well, darn, I’d better get rolling on the cover sooner than later. I already know it’s going to be Julian and Carol, being all dramatic and magck-y. (Magick-y, is that a word?)

Hugs, guys. Keep your fingers crossed. The knights, they are on their way!




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