Long Time No See Any More Books–Or Do We?
I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated this author blog in a really long time. So, I need to let you know where I am with the books in Sorrows Chronicles. I mean, I admire authors who can blog AND write their books. Apparently, I’m not one of them…so much. Don’t they have to, like, do laundry or anything? Earn a living? Feed the cat?
There’s been a bunch of real life going on, as there has for you. Frankly, I didn’t think the intrusions of everyday toils into my book writing would be that interesting to y’all. Except to say: my new kitties are adorable. Their names are Shanti (blue-point female Siamese) and Madhava (seal-point male Siamese). There, now you have a cat picture for the Interwebs. (No, I didn’t pose them. They do that all by themselves.)
Wait, This Might Be Interesting Research
There are guns, lots of guns in the books.
When my father died, my step-mom thought I should have his guns. Now, she lives in another state, and to transfer a gun here legally, you have to do so by shipping to a company or individual with a Federal Firearms License. “Sending by FFL” is the shorthand for such a transfer. Turns out you can’t even receive a handgun in Maryland without having a Handgun Qualification License. So, I went to get my HQL with my partner.
To get an HQL in Maryland, you must not only attend a class taught by a licensed instructor, but you must have some range time. This turned out to be less of a pain and way more fun than I anticipated! We have a popular range practically in my back yard, and they teach HQL classes every weekend–and they’re packed.
“Well,” I thought, “If I’m going to write about cool men using cool guns, I should study up. What a fine opportunity for research!” Now, I’d shot before, but long ago. Used to be it was pretty common for kids to learn how to use a rifle. Today, not so much, and more’s the pity. You can’t respect guns unless you know about them.
Anyhow…Michael Kaminski and Ian Stewart are both proficient in firearms, as is Julian Machliec (“Gabriel”). How could I write Sorrows’ Knights and not know the details?! Little did I suspect I would have so much fun with it. Not only did I receive my Dad’s Smith & Wesson that he used in-country in the Korean War, but that I would start collecting. >.> Oh, yeah. And learning about defensive shooting in tactical situations. Fascinating! Turns out I’m not too shabby with a pistol for an old lady. My Beretta PX4 Storm is my go-to sidearm at this point. H&K VP-9s are also sweet. I learned how to shoot a Glock for Ian–it’s the Volkswagen of the pistol world. You can beat the shit out of them and they still work. *thumbs-up*
And hey, Kerry Jourdain totes a shotgun. Actually, he has a few of them. So of course I had to learn how to use a shotgun. And carbines! Because, SWAT teams and Men in Black!
So, yes, I do try to learn about things I write about.
Now I have to make a patch for my cap with “Gay Liberal Gun Owner” and a black AR on a rainbow flag background. 🙂 The figments approve.
Teasing You with Figment Gossip
Speaking of figments…. Could I gossip about the characters without giving away the surprise of the novels themselves? Er…hmm. I “hear” all kinds of chit-chat from the figments that is just ordinary life and not worthy of an actual plot, as there is little interesting conflict going on. I’ve posted some of it here and there. No, I am not crazy. I know figments are figments. But damn, they do inhabit my head. Okay, I’m a little crazy. Is gossiping about the figments the same as telling people all about their Christmas presents without actually giving it to them? Is it too much of a tease? Leave a comment!
Truth: I stopped adding little story bits because that ate up every iota of writing energy that I needed to put into the actual books. So, I thought it was better to give you books than blog. Sometimes I just have to focus.
>> Squirrel! Ooh, shiny thing! *runs off in another direction*
So, Where the Hell Are the Books?
There HAS been progress on the book front.
Yes, I am still writing. In fact, when I am not taking care of our house or butling, that’s pretty much all I’m doing. (You didn’t know I was a butler, did you? Yes, I really am. That’s an adventure all by itself.) Okay, I go shooting a lot, too.
Book 2, Sorrows Knights, is nearly ready to publish. It needs some last fixes to first chapter as a consequence of a massive re-write after discovering Thematic Outlining (see below). Why the hell are first chapters so damn hard?
You see, I have to go back and make sure that all the first beats you see will be directly relevant to the rest of the story. Mostly, that’s trimming out the irrelevant stories my figments like to add in. Ugh. That’s the gossip stuff I told you about. And that’s probably all the sausage-making you wanted to know for the time being. What? No I’m not done. Never done. But at some point, an artwork must be abandoned–er, published.
Book 3, Sorrows’ Conjurors, has reached the final wrap-up bits that segue into Book 4. I wrote the final conflict/battle scene two days ago and my leetle brane gave out. That’s why I’m blogging: it’s a postman’s holiday.
Sometimes, books are just a slog to get through. I keep repeating the wisdom of my friend, Masha Holl so I don’t get stuck: First drafts always suck. I’m not such a veteran at this fiction thing that I can’t get discouraged when I hit a rough spot.
Fortunately, due to the use of a thematic outline, Book 3 is going to be a MUCH faster edit than Book 2 was. It sure helps to have a standard to measure against.
Following Books
Oh, yes, there will be at least 5 books in this round of stories about Sorrows and the Coven.
- Book 2 belongs to Ian, Mike Kaminski, Alex, and Kerry (and the villains, of course).
- Book 3’s story belongs to Julian Machliec (their new handler at BPA), Carol MacAlister (a female mage), and Ian’s father.
- Book 4’s story is still about the Coven. It belongs to Julian, Carol, Alex, and Mike. And an industrial-strength Elf and his wizard pal. And a bunch of demons.
- Book 5 brings us back around for a closer look at the real villain of the first book (no spoilers for Book 1!) and Alex’s relationship to that person. Heh heh heh.
About that Thematic Outline business:
I’ve been learning my craft since Book 1…which necessitated a massive rewrite of the original draft of Book 2. Yeah, that took time to do, like, a good year or more. What exactly did I learn that caused such a massive upset? I learned about Thematic Outlining (my term) from THIS BOOK, Take Off Your Pants! Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing: Revised Edition.
Take off Your Pants! dropped a bomb on my head. A good bomb. A highly instructional and helpful bomb. It dovetails well with McKee’s Story, which was also a Hallelujah! kind of revelation, but more abstract and philosophical about creating Story. You can get both on Amazon.com. (Those links take you to Amazon.)
Anyhow…back to the stories. I want to get this shit published by Christmas.
PS – Anyone want to Beta read? I need more Beta readers. Beta readers who will actually critique after reading. 🙂 Leave a comment!