Blog Archives

Disorganized commentary from the blogger. Possibly funny.

Spring Pollenized News Blog Entry Thingum

Do you get zombified by spring pollenization? I sure do. So this news bite is probably going to be seriously dumb. *lurch, shuffle, sniffle*  *scribble scribble* *lurch* Scrambled brains ‘R’ us!

Despite being Spring Pollenized, or perhaps because of it, I’m staring at Book III’s Word file and thinking,

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Book Four: Stormy Times Ahead for the Gotth

Preparations for Book Four are beginning, having started this week with a new outline and notes on characters and plot turns. In a way, this is planting the seeds of inspiration by first distilling events I already know about down to their essence. Bit of backstory: I wrote  all five Chronicles books in a mad gallup,

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Playlist Update – Songs Added

We have new songs for the playlist, courtesy of a reader who has been a goth (as opposed to a Gotth) from way back! She also sent along the URLs for YouTube videos so you can sample for free. The Sorrows Chronicles playlist, as I have warned you, is a work in progress.

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Sorrows’ Knights – Progress – It’s Submitted!

Yes, I have made progress! Just a quickie post here to let you know that after spending the day cleaning up HTML for Sorrows’ Knights, I have submitted the manuscript, cover, and blah blah blah to Amazon. So, now we wait.

Use to be that publishing for Kindle was pretty fast.

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Nearly Done! Cover Art Next for Sorrows’ Knights

I have finished the edits, and so on to the cover art! Hurrah! Yes, I thought that Sorrows’ Knights would be out by Christmas. However, I did not reckon with the power of the holidays to truly foul up even the best intentioned of plans. Still,

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Books 2 & 3 Update: First and Final Drafts

So, a progress report on the writing: Yes, I have been busy on Book 2 and Book 3! I’m inching ever closer to publishing Sorrows’ Knights to Kindle.

But First, the Conjurors

Book 3, Sorrows’ Conjurors, turned into a many-months day off from Sorrows’

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Sorrows’ Master – The Playlist

Here’s the playlist that I often listen to while writing the Sorrows Chronicles. I wanted to share this bit of inspiration with you so you can dance along with the figments and me. This playlist will be updated periodically, most likely. I’ll also include it in my next #urbanfantasy books.

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Coven Cocktails – Hairy Slipper

Sometimes you might want a margarita, but not a margarita–time for a Hairy Slipper cocktail. Hrmm, I’m going to have to go back and rewrite Fetching Slippers properly, aren’t I? Hrm, yes, after Book 3’s ending gets done properly and Chapter 1 of Book 2 gets touched up.

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Coven Cocktails: Kerry’s Margarita Recipe

Happy Saturday! The figments commanded that I start publishing Kerry’s favorite cocktail recipes, starting with Kerry’s margarita recipe, and moving on from there.

If you’ve read Sorrows’ Master, you know that the figments, especially Kerry and Alex, are fond of tying one on. As it happens,

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Happy Halloween! And a New Twitter Account.

Happy Halloween! Best holiday of the year, and D.C.’s Mardi Gras. Also an occasion for celebrating the new Twitter account (such a relevant day for this). More on Twitter later…

  1. Woke up thinking about what I’d wear for Halloween today, and then realized that wearing a tail coat and top hat around the house by myself is silly.

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