Blog Archives

Disorganized commentary from the blogger. Possibly funny.

The Sorrows Chronicles Books Still Live!

Long Time No See Any More Books–Or Do We?

I’m so sorry that I haven’t updated this author blog in a really long time. So, I need to let you know where I am with the books in Sorrows Chronicles. I mean, I admire authors who can blog AND write their books.

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A Slight Update

Ah, dear friends, how did it get to be the middle of May already? (Yes, I know, it happened the usual way: celestial bodies flying about in the solar system.)

I don’t have an installment of Fetching Slippers. But I *do* have an update on the rewrite of Book 2,

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While You’re Waiting, Check This Out

You may possibly be waiting for installment 3 of “Fetching Slippers.” If so, I do apologize for the delay.

A really hurty/upset stomach all week had taken its toll on my concentration. I usually spend Wednesday working on the blogs. Due to being sick Monday and Tuesday, I ended up working my day job yesterday in lieu of Tuesday.

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Dolores, Lady of Sorrows

What does an Ancient (in the world of the paranormal) look like? If she’s a clever goddess that has survived until the modern day, she looks pretty swanky. Please meet Dolores Gotth, Alex’s great-grandmother and the eldest and immortal part of the Trinity that is Sorrows.

What Kind of Goddess,

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Good Advice

As Trent said over at Mage Net, “Do NOT pry the iron cover off of that mysterious well you found inside the old barn.”

Meantime, I made a wallpaper out of that image, to add to the collection. Hope you like.

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Incoming publication! Duck and cover!

Yes, it’s done, allowing for minor revisions in the future. Amazon electronic publishing actually allows us to do that. Imagine! Very cool.

“Constant Improvement” is a lovely life-motto, but there comes a time in a book’s journey where one must push it out the door and tell it to get a job.

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Call Me Crazy…

Call me crazy, but my figments talk back. A LOT. Chatty little buggers. I thought that was bizarre until I learned that Samuel Clemens, AKA Mark Twain, also had figments that talked back.

Since the figments will blather non-stop if I let them get going, I decided to take advantage and give all of us a present.

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